The Parents Say
Over nearly 30 years of providing 11+ and 12+ tuition, Head Start Education has received hundreds of letters of thanks from Pupils and Parents who have experienced what Head Start has to offer. The following comments are a selection of those taken from letters sent to us by Parents.

Head Start is a wonderful organisation and we cannot recommend them highly enough! We have had four children attend the school, and what impressed us most is how inclusive they are, working with understanding and kindness to inspire children of all levels to do their very best. Head Start is about much more than tuition… it’s about education and learning in the broadest sense, and that includes enjoyment, making friends and having lots of fun too!
Anon – 2024

I wanted to thank the Head Start team for their help and support during my daughter’s 11+ preparation in 2021/22. My daughter passed with a phenomenal score of 156! She enjoyed the structured, classroom setup and the preparation including how to approach the test was invaluable. Gillian was great at providing additional 1:1 tutoring when requested for a couple of tricky subject areas.
My daughter enjoyed the Summer School week and the team set some fun challenges to provide a break from the hard work. It was also great how they kept the class motivated in the last few weeks.
Thank you once again!
Kind Regards,
Mrs Patel (2022)

Dear Adam,
Adam and all the team at Head Start – just to let you know Sarah has passed her 11+ with a score of 134. Sarah is very pleased and can’t thank you all enough for helping her achieve her result.
I would also like to personally thank you for everything and all the assistance you provided my daughter. From the moment you embraced her at your flagship summer school and nurtured her and tailored the work for her -I knew she was in the best hands.
Adam – you are amazing- your ability to teach the children in such an engaging, fun manner is absolutely fantastic. Your care, attention to detail was second to none and Sarah loved all your courses. You are the best tutor in the world. Thank you kindly for helping Sarah.
I will keep you updated on which school Sarah will attend in March.
You truly are the best tuition in Bucks.
Thank you so so much.
Afsana (2020)

Dear Adam, Gillian and the rest of the Head Start Team,
I just wanted to express my gratitude for the excellent 11+ tutoring you have provided. I have no doubt that this will have made a significant difference to Guy’s chances of passing the examination. He is also much more confident about his abilities and this is filtering into his school work as well.
I will pass on your good luck wishes and, of course, I’ll let you know the result when we have it. We’re just praying there aren’t any further delays.
Kind Regards, Joanne (2020)

Dear Gillian
I just wanted to let you know that Alice has passed her 11+ with a score of 143 which we are delighted with.
Thank you so very much for all of your support with both Alice and William over the past couple of years, whatever the outcome, you made both of them feel confident and secure in themselves which was wonderful.
Please do get in touch should you ever need a testimonial or anything else – we will of course be recommending Head Start!
Very best wishes, Rachel (2020)

I have six children three girls and three boys all now adults who went to Head Start and have achieved so much. Head start provided them with confidence to work hard and achieve their aspirations.
My eldest five children passed their 11 plus. The girls went to High Wycombe School and the boys to Royal Grammer School. My youngest son Rayhan unfortunately failed his 11 plus by 2 marks but when on to work hard and became the head boy of his comprehensive school in his final year at school. Now, they are; a procurement officer, judicial reviewing officer for the Ombudsman in London, a psychologist with PhD in psychology working at Great Ormand Street hospital; a scientist for John & Johnson; and a trainee pilot with the CAE Pilot academy. My youngest has just gone to university studying film production. His dream is to become a film producer and director.
This is all due to Head Start giving my children the self-confidence. focus and learning skills to achieve. The confidence the Head Start staff have provided played a big part in two of them to becoming home county boxing champions in their after school activities.
Every penny I spent on the courses with head Start has been worthwhile. I would never have attained any of this without Gillian’s support, motivation and Head Start staff encouraging my children – they were all brilliant.
If I was able to speak to other parents I would say, ‘please go to Gillian… she and the Head start staff and will provide you with everything you need to help your child attain their full potential’.
Thank you for everything
Kind regards, Abida (2020)

Thank you for everything !
Eddie actually sat it today as his school were concerned about lockdown so brought it forward by a day. He said it was “easy” whatever that means ! Even with his extra time he ran out of time on verbal reasoning but sounds like he was reading everything carefully so that’s good.
He is so very happy as he knows he’s done his best and worked hard over the last year despite all the disruptions. And that’s all that matters to us too.
We cannot thank you enough – just wish you could extend your offering to GCSEs and A levels !!!!
Kind regards,
Katharine and Matthew (2020)

Dear Gillian and team,
Just wanted to let you know Maximilian passed his 11 plus test. Your course gave him lots of confidence and it was especially useful that he could practise the mocks with his 10% extra time so he could get a more realistic picture of the timing.
Thank you for all your support.
Regards, Kylie (2020)

Hi Gillian
Just wanted to let you know great news – Alice passed (133!!).
Thanks again for all your advice and support. Head Start helped in so many ways – not just practice and techniques but also confidence and wellbeing which I think made all the difference.
Kind regards, Jo (2019)

Dear Gillian
Thanks so much for your time on the phone, as discussed we would love to book Alice in to Saturday mornings from the 9th of November.
We were absolutely delighted to receive William’s 11+ results last week, as you know he came to you from a low base in July. The work you did with him over Summer School and your revision course was incredible. To have given him so much confidence, in such a short time is testament to your teaching and the positive environment you create. Best of all he really enjoyed it! It was lovely knowing he walked in to the exam feeling good about himself, whatever the outcome.
Thank you so much to you and your team,
Kindest regards
Rachel (2019)

Dear Gillian,
I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know Charlie passed his 11+! (With a score of 125)
Thankyou to everyone at Headstart… I’m sure the course stood him in good stead for the chaos and confusion on the test day!
Many thanks again to you all
Kind Regards, Rachel (2019)

Dear Mrs Gray, I am writing to share very exciting news with you – Michael has passed his 11+ exams with flying colours scoring 154 points! It is difficult to express in words how thankful I am for your help and guidance during the preparation stage of this very demanding and challenging process. While the school application is still on-going, I have put my preferences towards The Royal Grammar School. We would not hesitate recommending your courses to anyone who is interested and will be looking forward to our younger son attending your courses when he is in year 4.
Kind regards,
Mrs G

Dear Mrs Gray,
I am happy to inform you that my daughter passed the eleven plus exam . We are so thankful to you and your staff for the efforts and best feasible training.
Thank you all again and wishing good luck for the institution and all future children.
Kind Regards,
Singanan & Nirmala

Just to let you know Immy passed with a score of 131. She is delighted as are we. A huge thank you from us all to you and your fantastic team; Tim & I are quite sure your courses made a world of difference and we are very grateful for all the support and confidence you gave to Imogen. I hope all your pupils did well.
Many thanks once again,

Dear Mrs Gray,
I hope you are well. George has passed his exam with flying colours. He achieved 144 points. He is so happy; thank you so, so much for believing in him, supporting him and most of all making him believe in himself. You have done so much for his belief so I can not thank you enough.
My daughter is 7 and will definitely be coming to you for her 11+.
Thank you again for all your support.
Arzu W.

Hi Gillian,
A big thank you from all of us – just wanted to let you know both girls did really well and passed, with only a single point between them.
It’s a huge relief. They are very happy – evidently we are off to Pets at Home…and pizza….
Thank you again.
Ian & Pushpa

Hi Gillian
Just wanted to let you know Monty’s fantastic news!! He passed with 142 and we are all absolutely thrilled for and proud of him.
He worked so hard and was consistent all the way and really deserves his place at Dr Challonners. He thoroughly enjoyed the summer course.
Thanks so much
Warmest wishes
Sally and Monty

Dear Gillian
I wanted to let you know that Oliver passed his 11+ with a score of 145. He has told me how much your courses helped him and how much fun they were so thank you to you and your team.
You really gave me hope and you were so caring about the children. Oliver has had a tough time these last few months but I’m hoping happier times will be ahead now.
Thank you again
Best wishes
Ailsa M.

Dear Gillian,
Many thanks for the effort provided at the summer school and revision classes. They clearly helped with Sophie’s confidence and we are so pleased with the results.
Kind regards
Dawn M.

Hi Gillian
Just to let you know Carmen got 161. Thank you so much for all your help. I’m certain you had the greatest influence on the result – Thank you!! I would like to reserve a place for my Son on the year 4 course
Thank you once again!

Hi Gillian
just to let you know Sienna passed. Thanks so much to Head Start for all of your help. That’s 3 out of 3 and she will be off to Beaconsfield High School to join her sisters.

Hi Gillian,
Hope you are enjoying your break. Wanted to let you know that Louis passed his 11+ (125). He was keen for me to tell you and to say a big thank you. We really appreciate how he didn’t feel overwhelmed or pressured doing the course but was well prepared for the exam.
Kind Regards

Dear Gilian
Katarina said to send you a big thank you – she passed with 161 and is very happy and proud (rightfully so).
Thanks a lot to you and your team
with kind regards
Dr Franziska M

I have been very pleased with the tuition that my daughter received and am similarly delighted with the progress my son is making at the moment in Head Start classes. The tutors place a strong emphasis on Positive Mental Attitude and on building confidence in the pupils. This is fundamental to their approach. The tutors are very methodical and they communicate well with parents. The sessions are long (10.00-5.00 days) in the holidays but the tutors are very sensitive to the children’s needs and they make the learning fun and interactive. Pupils are taught in groups. There are regular term time Saturday morning classes of two and a half hours. The school is well organised and they follow up pupils after they have taken the 11+, wishing them well in their future studies. Very pleasant and caring. Highly recommended. My daughter definitely passed because of Head Start.
Mrs Allison Child
Writing to ‘The Good Schools Guide’